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Lil Bugz Super Worms

Lil Bugz Super Worms

Regular price $3.99 USD
Regular price $6.95 USD Sale price $3.99 USD
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Bred & Fed for Human Consumption!

The name is worse than the bite. Although the name includes “worms”, they’re not actually worms and they taste great. Many people call them the “Gateway Bug” because they are the first bug many people try. This is because they are easy to eat and they taste good.

Superworms have a mild nutty flavor which makes them perfect as a highly nutritious snack, a topping, or an ingredient. 

Need to prepare a meal your super-critical guests will never forget? Superworms to the rescue!

People all over the world eat bugs yet many people here are downright afraid to try them. LIL BUGZ is here to help people overcome their unwarranted cultural fear.

People have been eating bugs since forever because they are packed with very bio-available protein including all essential amino acids. They’re a good source of iron, calcium, zinc, B12, and an ideal Omega 3:6 ratio along with being a pre-biotic fiber (nutrition for probiotics) and 3x more antioxidants than orange juice.

Today, many brave and adventurous people are discovering that edible insects are a healthy, sustainable, and humane food source.

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